Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Getting Discouraged

Hello my little Ballerinas,
Watching Videos like this getting you down?

Yes, she has amazing extension and amazing pirouettes and yes she is 15.  I find my self getting discouraged went I watch some of these videos that I will never be this good. Instead of getting discouraged I try to think of ways that I can improve on my own technique. Watching to see how she dose her pirouettes. How she lands them and the rhythm of the pirouettes that make her look like she if floating on air. If you don't have the natural ability to balance for 64 counts with you leg in second it may be something you have to work on. In class try to hold your balance for as long as possible. Even if you have to keep grabbing the barre. Try to work on holding your abs went you balance a strong core is the number one thing to a successful balance. Again make sure that you have a line from you toes to you hip to your shoulders to your head. Also make sure that you use your best posture went trying to balance or turn. As long as you keep working towered your goal eventual you will get it. Remember practice makes perfect!

Thanks for reading 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Summer Intensives

Hello my Ballerinas in training,

Now summer intensives are coming up and if its you first time going away it could be pretty scary to be away from your friends and family for as long as 7 weeks. Having new teachers can be stressful enough. But then you also have to live with different people and make all new friends. This can seem absolutely crazy. Don't let the fear of the unknown keep you from an amazing experience.

Having different teachers can give you a different perspective on what you should be working on. They might see something that your every day teacher dose not see. They could even explain some thing in a different way that helps you understand what they are looking for. Not saying anything bad about your every day teacher but they see you every day, now this can be great cause they see you progress but they could be harping on things that you do. For example having slouch shoulders, now you may be making progress on this but sometimes they don't see it. Their are also other times where you could be pulling your hip forward on grand battement and they miss it because they are so focused on your shoulders that are not that bad. Going away for the summer can help you make more progress on your technic they you would have if you stayed with your same school for the summer.

If this is your first time away living in a dorm like situation it can be pretty scary. From who you will be living with to the bathroom situation. Now don't request to live with your friends. Everyone will tell you its not a good idea. You will get sick of them. I know you think that will not happen were best friends but sometimes it dose. Its better to just let the chips fall where they may. You have an opportunity to make some great friends. You can introduce your roommates to you friend and her roommates and then you have a huge group of friends they always hanging out with your one friend. I know that you may worry about not getting along with the person or persons that you are roomed with but not make judgments on the first time you meet them either. Give it time some people may take longer to room up to then others. Although if you really can not stand the person or persons that you are roomed with you may want to talk to an adult most of the time their will be Resident Adviser that you can talk to. If you really can not stand to live with the person any longer you may want to ask to switch rooms not every school my do this but some might and it dose not hurt to ask. You don't want an amazing summer ruined because you got stuck with a bad room mate.

Thanks for reading

Because Ballet is Hard

Hi guys, 

Just some background about me first. I am a 17 year old ballerina in training. Unlink most dancer I have only been training in the art of ballet for five years. I love ballet and hope to do this as a profession one day. 

I have read many blogs about ballet but none of them really talk about what it is like to be an upcoming dancer in the ballet world. I will not lie about this, trying to become a dancer is harder then anything else you could do with your life. (other then maybe bing a gymnast) The pain and stress that you go through is unlike any another. 

Throughout this blog I hope to talk about auditions for summer intensives and companies. The best way to stretch and how to maintain health even through Nutcracker season. I want to bring a real perspective of what ballet is like.

Thanks for reading 